The occasion was a sports event and one that might promise great deal of action. Hence , on a sunny afternoon , I found myself on a bus that took me to a remote air force station .
At the bus stop , most of the buses went straight , I was to catch one that "bent". Well , not exactly like Beckham , but took a hard right at one of the stops . After six buses had thundered past , with the conductors bellowing their destinations , and accosting passengers , my bus arrived .
Unlike others , we didn't stop to fill all the seats . We set sail with few . And picked them up on the way . Boy , by the time we had reached the hard right turn , we had packed ourselves really full .
A mother with two sleepy children got up somewhere and sat next to the driver . She left an enormous sausage of a duffel bag lying in the aisle . The conductor expressed his displeasure , asked this way and that , and finally , picked the bag up and stuffed in up in the stowaway rack . It was a miracle to see the huge thing disappear into what seemed a very narrow and inadequate shelf . The mother was busy on the phone , and didn't care what happened to the bag or where it went .
The conductor was young , bearded and pock marked . He reminded me of a young Ghiyas ud din Balban from the Amar Chitra Kathas . He caught me staring , and returned the stare . I might be a sight myself , over weight , in jeans and jacket , trying to fit into a crowd of rustic passengers .
When I alighted , I was supposed to meet my better half . But he was nowhere to be seen . A hurried scan on either side of the street didn't reveal any thing , so I just walked off . He came up later . He was waiting behind the bus stop . He didn't see me alighting either . Hence , no hard feelings .
The sports event was organised in a field . It was sunny but windy . In fact , one regretted having left one's cap behind .
At first we had a very perfunctory and ill prepared speech from an intern , who seemed totally devoid of all enthusiasm about the cancer day she was supposed to exhort people about . Everyone in the crowd , and I include the house wives too , must have known more about cancer types , symptoms than what was imparted. Grossing over is the right term I guess . The experienced nursing officers sitting next to me squirmed in their seats , when something wrong was uttered .
That summed up pretty much about life . The most unqualified guys get to hold the mike .
The CO and his wife were supposed to sit in the sofas . We , the hoi polloi ,sat behind . Scrutinising their antics . Co's wife and his mother came dressed identically . In ill worn . billowing sarees , and black coats . The CO wore the mandatory ray- bans , without which a CO , might not be one .
After some more boring speeches , and a slew of long awaited awards , we went off to have tea. During this time , by displaying remarkable efficiency (only displayed in armed forces ), the sofas and seats were rotated 90 degrees . We now faced the ground , and had the sun on our faces . We also sat at par with the CO and his family .
A game of volleyball had been organised , and the said intern was a member of one of the teams . She got lot of opportunity to show off her skills , each of whom were wasted . She was short and the net was high . Every shot of hers went into the nets . The taller soldiers made the ball sail and sing across the air , but the intern gave lot of points to the rival group , much to their delight .
The CO's wife is a doctor herself . She also is known to be extremely talkative . I was just about to find out , the hard way .
At the bus stop , most of the buses went straight , I was to catch one that "bent". Well , not exactly like Beckham , but took a hard right at one of the stops . After six buses had thundered past , with the conductors bellowing their destinations , and accosting passengers , my bus arrived .
Unlike others , we didn't stop to fill all the seats . We set sail with few . And picked them up on the way . Boy , by the time we had reached the hard right turn , we had packed ourselves really full .
A mother with two sleepy children got up somewhere and sat next to the driver . She left an enormous sausage of a duffel bag lying in the aisle . The conductor expressed his displeasure , asked this way and that , and finally , picked the bag up and stuffed in up in the stowaway rack . It was a miracle to see the huge thing disappear into what seemed a very narrow and inadequate shelf . The mother was busy on the phone , and didn't care what happened to the bag or where it went .
The conductor was young , bearded and pock marked . He reminded me of a young Ghiyas ud din Balban from the Amar Chitra Kathas . He caught me staring , and returned the stare . I might be a sight myself , over weight , in jeans and jacket , trying to fit into a crowd of rustic passengers .
When I alighted , I was supposed to meet my better half . But he was nowhere to be seen . A hurried scan on either side of the street didn't reveal any thing , so I just walked off . He came up later . He was waiting behind the bus stop . He didn't see me alighting either . Hence , no hard feelings .
The sports event was organised in a field . It was sunny but windy . In fact , one regretted having left one's cap behind .
At first we had a very perfunctory and ill prepared speech from an intern , who seemed totally devoid of all enthusiasm about the cancer day she was supposed to exhort people about . Everyone in the crowd , and I include the house wives too , must have known more about cancer types , symptoms than what was imparted. Grossing over is the right term I guess . The experienced nursing officers sitting next to me squirmed in their seats , when something wrong was uttered .
That summed up pretty much about life . The most unqualified guys get to hold the mike .
The CO and his wife were supposed to sit in the sofas . We , the hoi polloi ,sat behind . Scrutinising their antics . Co's wife and his mother came dressed identically . In ill worn . billowing sarees , and black coats . The CO wore the mandatory ray- bans , without which a CO , might not be one .
After some more boring speeches , and a slew of long awaited awards , we went off to have tea. During this time , by displaying remarkable efficiency (only displayed in armed forces ), the sofas and seats were rotated 90 degrees . We now faced the ground , and had the sun on our faces . We also sat at par with the CO and his family .
A game of volleyball had been organised , and the said intern was a member of one of the teams . She got lot of opportunity to show off her skills , each of whom were wasted . She was short and the net was high . Every shot of hers went into the nets . The taller soldiers made the ball sail and sing across the air , but the intern gave lot of points to the rival group , much to their delight .
The CO's wife is a doctor herself . She also is known to be extremely talkative . I was just about to find out , the hard way .