Wednesday, 4 March 2015


The gates had, since long, clanged shut.
The guy ‘manning’ the railway crossing had diligently taken his position at the small cemented platform, with his grimy green flag in hand.
The train hooted somewhere in the distance, invisible in the morning mist.
People on scooters, bicycles and foot , continued to cross the tracks, executing acrobatics beneath the yellow and black painted bars.
A pair of young boys suddenly appeared. Playing with an old bicycle tire , between them both, they took turns to beat it with sticks , as it rolled down the tracks, wobbling between pedestrians feet and , on one occasion resting on someone’s gunny sack,prompting a volley of abuses.
The train hooted alarmingly close by, the tracks were almost deserted, except for the boys and their
wretched tire. The guard stopped mid-spittle and screamed a high pitched expletive, as a dark shape loomed up , whistling ear-splittingly.
The boys froze on the tracks, their precious tire rolled to its side , right in the path of the thundering train.,..

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