It is afternoon. Adults are taking their afternoon nap. Kids are doing anything other than what they are meant to -study.
The bell rings . The oldest child in the family answers the bell . A dishevelled "pahari"( men from the hills ) , stands there , his kohl-lined eyes almost blood shot . Deadpans - " Shehed lena hai ". (want honey ).
The teenager with her Justin Bieber addled brain , sees a glimmer of comprehension and asks him to wait . Skips to her mom , shakes her ample, slumbering tummy . "Mummy , someone has come , asking for honey."
By the time the sleepy housewife has dragged her feet to the door, comprehension has dawned , and alarm bells have begun ringing . For these kohl-eyed paharis are notorious for thieving ways.
"What do you want ?"
"Shehed chahiye ?"
" Nahin" Door slammed.
"You thought he wanted honey ? He was selling honey , baby . "
"When bees become extinct , humans will follow suit , shortly , so said a famous scientist."
"See , bees are eaten by bee-eaters , they will die . Crops wont be cross pollinated , so failure of crops, and lot of other species , dependant on crops will die ."
The gyan was being spouted earnestly by a mom , who thought no end of herself , an insufferable know-it-all. The audience comprised of a reluctant child with her head in clouds and hands into a plate of enticing , hot ,french fries.
" And so you too will die , if bees die." The mom tried to finish off , with a flourish.
"Why will I die ? I don't eat bees , I eat fries ." Said the child , with her mouth full of fries and head full of Katy Perry's lyrics.
“Hello , hello ” She was desperate . The phone had chosen to ring at precisely , this moment . It was him .
The conductor was impatient “You coming “. She gestured . Please wait . Pleading looks . The conductor rolled his eyes .
“Hello , hello .I am here .” Why wouldn’t he answer? She could hear static. Probably , he too , was screaming into the phone on the other end .
The engine revved . Her heart beat faster . The next bus came at 1210 , reaching you at lunchtime .
She inched closer to the bus .
He never rang her up at this time of the day . This was his sneaky call. An emergency . What could have happened ?
The bus started inching forward. Without her .
She was crying now , running alongside the bus .
Ear glued to the phone , she let loose in vernacular . Still , no answer.
The bus sped away , in a heartless cloud of dust.
She stood there , one arm outstretched , willing the bus to stop.
The line went dead.
All sounds stopped . She stood alone in the bus-stop, with dust swirling in little clouds , around her feet.
Piles of neglected clothes , washed day before yesterday , folded yesterday , still waiting to be put away . Slippers in a state of violent disengagement , pairs missing . A corner of a hastily concealed shoe box , poking tell -tale from underneath the bed . Bedsheets hanging in disarray from the bedside . Books , last years , worn -out , tired-looking. This years , shiny , bright . Mingling with democratic freedom on the floor , in precarious piles .
Proceeds to comb her prodigious hair , coating everything in the room with a fine haze of flying split-ends , and dandruff.