Saturday, 9 July 2016

What if ?

What if the birds could speak to us?
What if stray dogs could retort and curse?
What if the earth stopped in its axis?
What if new borns could walk and dress?
What if the rivers changed their course?
What if the winds lose their force?
What if the dead came alive ?
What if I met Robert Clive ?
What if I greet bees in their hive ?
What if Elvis comes again to jive ?

What happens if I talk to Gandhi ?
Shall I be able to look him in the eye?
What happens if I am at the Great War?
Shall I receive a medal or a battle scar?

What if I am reborn a crusade knight ?
Astride a steed with an armour bright;
And  be pursued by heathens at night, 
Shall I take fright
 and make good my flight 
Or stand by what is right 
and give a good fight?

What if, to confuse matters further
the heathens turn out to be my brother (s)
Shall I still fight the "righteous war"
Or embrace enemies and surrender.
Will I be branded a coward and stoned 
or be condemned to repent and atone

What if I am meet Queen Victoria,
And tell her the news from India,
What if she decides to come back 
and bring(s) along the Union Jack?

What if like a roll of pizza dough
the earth stretches flat through
you could live in Marlborough
and run all the way to Lucknow

What if enemy armies, neighbours
met and asked" Howdy brother(s)?
Give some rest to your firepower,
We went to the same school, remember?"

What if I sleep off one day and not wake up
What will be my status on whatsapp?
Will it be "gone to sleep in the deep"
Or  "last seen at the time alarm beep(ed)"?