Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Cover up

The ICU seemed quiet. The monitors were beeping gently, most of the patients snored , and Sree padded around softly in her rubber slippers, that misspelt her name as "Siri-Matron I/c icu.

When Minu arrived , everything looked spic and span. The lights dimmed, except for the nursing station , which was brightly lit, and Sree Ma'am sat writing the report. "Like clockwork", Thought Minu. She looked forward to night duties in icu. Especially, if Matron has been on the evening duty. All the paperwork would be done, and most of the night dosages and instructions,would have been prepared, ready to administer; not to mention, freshly ground coffee and muffins in the pantry.

Thoughtful as ever.Minu smiled.

She turned into the nursing station and found a packet of FFP(Fresh Frozen Plasma) lying on the trolley. "That is odd," Minu thought."I remember Sree telling me that it has already been administered to the meningioma patient in the fourth cubicle.". The packet felt lukewarm, meaning it had been lying on the trolley , outside fridge, for quite some time. Spoilt. Shit.

Minu raced to the fourth cubicle, her heart in the mouth , an alarm screaming in her head "what was that red IV fluid she saw in the cubicle , on her handing -taking rounds?"  Almost instinctively, she knew the answer too-"Whole blood , for the thalassemic young girl in first cubicle."

"Oh God! Oh God!"

Minu panted as she wrenched the connections apart. Too late!! The patient in fourth was gently twitching, frothing at the mouth, gasping and incoherently babbling.

After anti-anaphylactic injections had saved the patient, and Minu had faced a barrage of abusive language from the Night DMO, the oncologist and dirty looks from the orderlies to the sweeper boy,she was in a huge quandary-"Should she cover up Matron's apparent faux pas, or uncover her incompetence."

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