Sunday, 14 December 2014

dirty word

What determines if a particular word is dirty or not? Our prudence? Our overwhelming sense of uptight righteousness?Our belief in the religious heads ?
History has proved to us time and again , that whatever was in vogue yesterday,is passe’ today. Nothing remains for ever. Neither do heroes, civilizations. monoliths, beliefs, faiths, ideals. Everything in this world has a shelf life. Even life as we know it , comes with an expiry date.
How can we be sure that the so called “dirty word” is actually dirty , and to be shunned by all and sundry. I personally think, “dirty words ” or expletives actually help you emphasize a certain point, and drive home certain opinions, in certain circumstances.
They too have their uses. Basically, they are like exclamatory noises, and should be treated as such, without the moral hand -wringing that accompanies every cuss-word heard or uttered.

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