Wednesday, 3 September 2014

My Story

Where does one begin ?
 Is the effort worthwhile?
 Was my story so interesting as to rivet my readers?
 What shall I gain from recounting tales of my tears and laughter?
 Will it be cathartic, or will I continue to wallow , as a poet so colourfully put it,” in the cesspool of self-pity”?
Shall I move on , and face the new dawn with clear, tear-free eyes, or will my story have clouded my visions , by reinforcing my prejudices, and deepening chasms?
 Why this sudden need to pen down one’s story?
 Is it because the ennui of existence has become apparent in the fourth decade of existence? Or is it because it has dawned on me that one is gifted with a finite number of life -breaths, a gift which can be snatched at any, undefinable moment in the future?

1 comment:

  1. Great efforts .............improving with every outing...........ecstasy and ennui are but two sides of a very thin is perhaps best to enjoy the whirls and turns of what is now here and the next moment there............transient ephemeral and.......beautiful just because of .........uncertainity.......and then perhaps its finite nature(life span)
