The Soul Yoga is the unassuming name given to a quiet health revolution , taking place in a tiny corner of Jalandhar , Punjab.
We , i.e., me , my husband and my two daughters have all benefited from The Soul Yoga at different points of time in our lives . Throughout the years 2018 to 2021 , we grappled with unprecedented stress in our lives . The kids were dealing with academic pressures .
We googled Yoga and got lucky . A class was being held at 58 , The Mall . The cheerful voice of Suraj Sharma Sir answered the phone , and we were won over .
Then came the torrid days of COVID . Both of us , my husband and I were hospitalised . I required supplemental oxygen , and he underwent intensive steroid therapy . We also suffered grievous personal loss of loved ones . Riddled with sleeplessness and grief , we again turned to Suraj Sir , and his unique brand of ebullient yoga .
Though there are various class timings , two sessions in the mornings and one in the evening ; we have traditionally stuck to the early morning sessions .
I have been attending classes for quite some time now , and the pattern doesn't waver . Neither does it disappoint .
There are stretches , followed by asanas , culminating in cooling down breathing exercises . Sometimes , some childish game play is incorporated to bring distracted minds , back to the present . Or to break the tedium .
Suraj Sharma Sir has laid down a profound example . he is never late or absent , come what may . Not only does he do the counting , he also demonstrates what needs to be done , thereby performing alongside us . His infectious enthusiasm attracts a myriad cross section of people . There are businessmen , professionals , health service providers , wives of influential people and students . I personally know a certain vigilance officer . They may be from the services or maybe civilians .
Everyone gets equal attention , and special cases are given special attention .
However , encouragement and praises are heaped on all . Regardless of one's actual abilities . Potentials are spotted and praised . Particularly amongst the youngsters .
Finally , on benefits of yoga .
The most obvious effect is the gradual and inevitable increase in energy levels , aka , stamina .
You can work for longer , consequently , have greater patience .
One's hasty , irregular , jagged breath slows down , and regulates . It is as if a turbulent flow of air has streamlined , and your inhaled breath marches in a straight line, into your lungs , and a quiet disciplined breath is exhaled out . No rush , no break in rhythm , just disciplined slow stream of air , regularly flowing in and out of your lungs . No need to emphasise the magic that is wrought to the process of oxygenation .
Exercise tolerance is built slowly , like everything else in life . It takes time , and persistence . You will find you fingertips touching your toes , in "Surya Namaskara ", the tip of your nose touching your knee in "Pawan Muktasana ", your back bending over , in the "Camel pose " .
However, Yoga , unlike the popular western belief, is not just contorting one's body into impossible configurations . It is much more than that .
It is about finding yourself , back , in the bustle of life . It is about discovering your own breath .
It is the tiny changes to your health that you , sometimes , even fail to notice . Your nagging sinusitis disappears . You feel calmer . A tiny pulsating headache , which one almost took for granted , loses its edge and slowly disappears . Your joints feel freer . The early morning stiffness of the fingers is no longer there . Consequently , positive changes are noticed in Hypertensive patients (as myself ) . In other words , the health effects , creep up on you , almost unawares .
It is about doing "Thoda kum zyada " (Do less or more ) , as Suraj sir says . It may sound like an oxymoron , but what it really means is to push yourself to do a bit more than what you think you are capable of . It is a wonderful everyday encouragement . Another is to regulate motion with breaths , pairing them , in tandem with your bodily movements .
A big shout out to The Soul Yoga for one hour of sweating every morning , to leave one refreshed throughout the day . To be cheerful , to sleep soundly and to feel a bit younger , everyday .