Friday, 21 April 2023

Summer snow and show biz

 I got up today , to find my backyard flooded with summer snow. 

No, it is not the conventional snow . It doesn't melt in the sun . 

It rests like puffs of tiny clouds , lightly treading the burning earth . 

Each fistful of fluff , is roughly round and has attached to it , a tiny , hard , black seed like a miniscule paratrooper attached to his parachute .

Indeed , just like a paratrooper,  the seed has to be dispersed . Into new , unexplored territories . To foray , explore, germinate .

They all  fly out together , just like snow . All the tree pods having decided upon bursting  at 0345 hrs on 16 th of April at the count of three . 

I got up and saw my backyard covered in these tiny parachutists . 

The giant Shimul tree ,  the erstwhile flame of the forest , the producer of the flashiest red flowers of the forest , had been nursing a platoon of these paratroopers in its heart . Encased in wooden , black spindle pods , the seeds mature and so does the silk cotton . Till one day , they decide to bombard your backyard. 

All at once , the Trojan horse bursts open it's wooden doors and the seeds are scattered .

It is nothing short of miraculous . It is tantamount to an aesthetic war on the senses . 

First the leaves drop off during winter , till the tall tree stands proudly in its naked avatar . Like a Rodin sculpture . You should see it's buttress roots , all exposed as the undergrowth withers away due to winter onslaught .

The bare branches rise to the skies . Seeking supplication . Then , one spring day , it bursts into fleshy red blossoms . Only the floral decor . All flowers , no leaves .

They are tall gigantic trees . Head and shoulders above the rest . The red corona is visible from miles away, earning the moniker ," flames of the forest". 

This happens somewhere around Holi, the festival of colours , the flowers provide colours. 

Then tiny pods appear . The Trojan horses. They begin green and naive . Then they turn hard and wooden . Then one fine day they crack open. 

For a long time , these cotton fluffs linger . Stuck in the wire netting , snuggled in your kitchen duster , hugging your tomato plants. 

They are everywhere, and we scarcely see them. 

They even disintegrate into fibers , enter our nostrils , trigger sneezing bouts and precipitate allergies . But we still don't acknowledge them .

Bombax Ceiba is the botanical name given to the silk cotton tree . They are the show biz giants and Brad Pitts of the forest Broadway . 

In a mere couple of seasons , they give us three back to back shows . One sleazy , full of skin show , next a colourful, floral  musical , family drama ; finally , a war movie full of  Trojan horses and parachutists .

Take your pick . 

Heat. Wave

It has been sultry for the past couple of weeks . The kind of midday heat , with burning air seeping inside the house , through the gap beneath doors ,up nostrils and wilting the plants half an hour after watering .

Molten golden sunlight sizzles up the puddles. Dried caked mud cracks into helpless gaps. 

Mynahs wander around with open beaks looking for moisture , and the world becomes eerily quiet in the blazing haze of the afternoons . Even the birds fall silent.

You'd expect the world to dry up and shrivel in this heat . It doesn't . It is late spring and all the trees have burst into baby leaves. Mango and peepul have fragile purple maroon foliage, which glisten with life and vigor . Almost overnight these baby leaves loose their shine , change colour and are hardened green adults ready to face the verdant adulthood .

Sap green leaves have sprouted on jackfruit, banyan, and gulmohar trees , which again become darker green as times passes .

Bit by bit , almost  imperceptibly , nature has donned a multi hued , lush green mantle on its bare  woody winter bones .While we hide in the shelter of our homes , live in shades , drink cool water and try to remain hydrated .

The forest's answer to the heat wave is greening the shimmering skies.  Tree upon tree  is adorned with emeralds , jades and lapiz lazuli  , glittering in the burning gaze of a relentless sun. 

Suddenly transformed into a veritable jewellery parade , unflinching in the face of unprecedented heat. 

My sister and her mister

Marilyn Monroe said 
And quote I would 
Sisters make the best friend 
In the whole world 

My sister always has my back 
even though over the years 
It has grown heavier 
Like a potato filled sack 

She is,  to both my daughter ( s) 
A real , authoritative mother 
 Of me, they aren't, I swear 
As both of them are  afraid of her 

As far as Debjit Bagchi is concerned 
He is the perfect old school nerd 
He is fabulous with numbers and word 
He is a kind soul and steel tempered 

To Bandita's hot , he is the chill 
To every fluster he is the foil 
Like a rock they have together weathered 
Many a bad weather and problems unnumbered

On this occasion of their anniversary silver
May God bless them, with prosperity shower 
May there be peace and abundance 
Many a midsummer s happy  dance 

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Tiny hair story . Again .

  If you take a walk in the late hours of the morning , there are two advantages . One , you don't have to worry about the man-child you left back home ( for he is away at work ) , two , other people from other houses are gone too .

It gives you an illusion of peace , tranquillity and endless time . All of which , may I caution you , is again illusory . 

However , we digress here . 

It was a foggy morning . One can make out the faint outlines of trees . Chilly winter, hence caps and jackets . Hands are forced into pockets . In fact , I walk KGB fashion . Right hand in right pocket , firmly clutching the phone , which is  depression - prone enough to jump out of its cosy home , and fall on the hard pavement , face down . Several cracked mirrors later , I am cautious . So , today , I am marching like Vladimir Putin . 

  I hear a hearty "Jai Hind Saab ." I look around . There are no sahabs around . So it is me , the greeting is directed towards. I look away , cheeks burning .  I am no sahab and I refuse to be an imposter. An elderly DSC soldier mistook me for a sahab . He cautiously crosses me , trying to look me in the eye . Fathoming what went wrong with his missive . 

A little while later , I am inside the enclave , where in the servant quarters behind  an officer's residence , a little girl is washing her hair under a tap . Through the curtain of black , dripping hair , she wishes me " Good morning Uncle ." 

I am sure I have impersonated some uncle . Which one , I wonder ? 

A little way ahead , a small ball rolls and comes to a halt at my feet . I can hear the shouts of young boys in the foggy distance . Around four feet from me , in the centre of the road stands the batsman , bat in hand , eyeing the ball ,now in my hand . I used to play cricket in my childhood with my brother and cousins. I cartwheel my hands and throw the ball . It goes spinning towards the boys . Whoops of joy greet my delivery , as it cracks against the bat . I raise my hand and wave past . 

They thank me in unison . " Thank you Uncle " . 

Monday, 10 April 2023

Forest . Again

 One sees and observes closely 

How a fallen dried twig , quickly 

wriggles and sways , writhes 

down a muddy path , I spy !! 

That was a snake , gosh 

Hope it doesn't nip my toes 

It doesn't end there 

The miracles of nature 

What you thought 

Lying unobserved on a spot 

was a clod of garden  mud 

Jumps and lands with a thud 

You have just met 

the toad wild , no pet 

It is a nature's way of hoodwinking 

Where things change in eye's blinking 

What appeared a pretty flower 

flies away , leaving its bower 

Sometimes it will hover 

Its bright colours glower 

You have encountered 

the many splendored 

Butterfly and moth 

Telling you the truth 

A squirrel chats 

In the tree flats 

You see an emerald leaf falling 

it catches the wind,  appalling 

And flies away alas 

Like the barbet it was 

A bird amazingly  melodious

all varieties are green glorious 

A vine dangles down 

A larva slithers , on its own 

looks like a clown 

dressed in furry gown 

It is a magical world 

A tree root hisses cold 

Every green tendril nudging 

May not be a serpent thing 

A tree trunk 

grows bling 

Overnight , clumps 

of shiny resin 

It is a fairy world 

that has unfold(ed)