Thursday, 23 June 2022

I write so I may breathe

 Many times I am asked 

By my daughters tasked 

To reply this query , trite 

Why do I write ? 

I do not publish 

No one reads this 

Then why 

Oh why ? 

On a winter day 

Clad in a wet towel 

I am hammering away

My consonants and vowels

Why I make it a point 

To put down in print 

If not for notoriety

Or posterity

I have no  adequate reasons

Like Earth has for changing seasons 

I have to jot  my thoughts down 

At the risk of appearing a clown 

For if  a thought is generated 

Around the cranium ricocheted 

It had better be expelled 

Like an apprentice rebelled 

In a wizard stronghold 

Before it has a choke hold 

On my life and heart 

Simply, I write so I may breathe 

To be put in one's place

 I thought I was 

Being generous

And offered 

Some fish head 

To my daily maid

Her reply made 

Me open my eyes 

Look at myself, scrutinize

" What is to be done ? 

With the fish head and bone? 

She asked me , pretending as if 

She has been fine dining all her life 

In that she made me feel small

As what I offered were scraps after all 

She and I both knew this

I tried to put her in place 

But eventually without crossing any line 

She had managed to put me in mine.